Mission and Vision

The mission is based on a combination of product features, brand core values and the history of the company itself. We consider the main mission of our company to improve the quality of life of Russians, both participants in production and economic processes, and ordinary residents of the country.


ROLS ISOMARKET products, undoubtedly, make a significant contribution to the ecology of the home and increase comfort, thus improving the quality of life.


ROLS ISOMARKET's approaches to working with consumers at all levels are designed to facilitate the work of all participants of production processes and economic relations.


As a leader in its market segment, ROLS ISOMARKET sets standards for product quality and service level.


The history of development and success of ROLS ISOMARKET is an example for companies, starting their activities in Russia.

As the leader of the Russian market in terms of sales of insulation made of foamed polyethylene, we have formed the priorities of our company, which determine the main directions of its development.


Maintaining leadership in sales volumes on the Russian market.


Taking leading positions on the quality of products and services provided to consumers.


Innovative developments and development of high-tech production.