Training center
Do you implement insulation from the ROLS ISOMARKET company, but want to know about it more to increase sales? Or you project modern engineering systems, using insulating materials, which are offered by ROLS ISOMARKET? Or, perhaps, you professionally are engaged in mounting of engineering networks, but you have questions, connected with installation of insulation?
Now in the Training Center of ROLS ISOMARKET answers to these and many other questions can absolutely free of charge be received during the consultation with our experts.
Our specialists not only willingly will share the knowledge with sellers, designers and assemblers, but also will help to work all subtleties of installation of different types of insulating materials at stands-models.
For those, who cannot personally visit our Center, a remote consulting format is provided – online seminars (webinars).
To learn about time of holding consultations and also to be registered as the participant, it is enough to pass to the website of the Training Center of ROLS ISOMARKET Fill a form of the participant, and our technicians will contact you.

We will be glad to see everyone at:
27, building 2, Vyatskaya str., Moscow.