GOST R 56729-2015 (EN 14313:2009) establishes general rules for all manufacturers of foamed polyethylene insulation.
Until June 2016, manufacturers themselves established technical requirements for manufactured insulation materials and received certificates for compliance with these requirements. As a result, it was not possible to objectively compare the characteristics of different materials. In such conditions, there was a need to create a national standard, one for all market participants. Therefore, with the participation of our company's specialists, GOST R 56729-2015 was developed and put into effect. It establishes general requirements for all manufactured materials from EPE.
For example: In accordance with GOST, all materials whose thermal conductivity exceeds 0,05 Вт/(m•°С) (at 10°С) are not insulation for engineering equipment of buildings and industrial installations.
Materials must tested according to the unified methods established by GOST.
Before the advent of a single national standard, manufacturers of insulation materials could arbitrarily choose test methods. GOST introduced a unified methodology, thanks to which all market participants are put in the same conditions.
Technical characteristics must confirmed by certification test reports. Information on technical characteristics must posted on the product or its packaging.
In accordance with GOST, the technical characteristics must be declared by the manufacturer and confirmed by certification tests. At the same time, declarations, test reports and certificates of conformity must be publicly available, and technical characteristics must be reflected in the labeling of the products or packaging themselves. The manufacturer's lack of such protocols and certificates may mean that the declared characteristics either do not correspond to the real ones, or have not been confirmed by tests at all.
In accordance with GOST, all products must undergo systematic tests to confirm the declared characteristics.
Before the introduction of GOST, the frequency of testing was established by the manufacturers themselves. As a result, & ndash; tests may not have been conducted for decades. GOST sets clear deadlines for confirming each of the technical characteristics:
- dimensions and limit deviations & ndash; 1 every 24 hours;
- thermal conductivity & ndash; 1 every 2 years;
- maximum operating temperature & ndash; 1 every 5 years;
- water vapor diffusion resistance factor & ndash; 1 every 5 years;
- water absorption & ndash; 1 every 5 years.
ROLS ISOMARKET company has carried out certification of theinsulating materials Energoflex® on compliance of GOST R 56729-2015 (EN 14313:2009) «Insulating products from a polyethylene foam factory production, applied to the engineering equipment of buildings and plants. General specifications».
It is possible to study the full text of GOST R 56729-2015 (EN 14313:2009) on the website of Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology ROSSTANDARTО