The first installation in Russia for determining the thermal conductivity of tubes
A lot of work has been completed, carried out jointly by employees of the Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev and ROLS ISOMARKET. An installation for measuring the thermal conductivity of TLR-1000 was added to the unified register of measuring instruments of Rosstandart.
This installation allows you to determine the thermal conductivity in the range from 0,001 to 0,25 W/(m·°С) at temperatures from 0 to 145°С for any materials made in the form of tubes (cylinders, half-cylinders, shells) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 32025-2012 «Insulation. Method for Determining Heat Transfer Characteristics in Factory-Made Cylinders under Steady-State Thermal Conditions».
TLR-1000 is a unique device for its type of measuring instruments in the Russian Federation. Now Russian manufacturers and consumers have finally got the opportunity to determine the thermal conductivity of heat insulation tubes or cylinders at a plant that has state certification!
You can order and conduct tests at the ROLS ISOMARKET Testing Laboratory.
You can view the certificate here
Testing Laboratory contact details:
Telephone: +7 (985) 787-60-62